industry organizations

Wall Street Green Summit XIII Getting More Attention This Year!

alternative energy
clean tech
energy convergence
environmental finance markets
environmental hedge funds
financial resources
green economy
green trading
greenhouse gasses
Impact Investing
industry organizations
renewable energy

It's been one week since the end of this year's Wall Street Green Summit XIII which was held in New York City at the Columbia Club. I guess it takes some time for attendees and reporters to let all the new ideas sink in, but we have seen two stellar articles the past two days on the Summit.

US Natural Gas Transportation Poses "Chicken and Egg" Dilemma

alternative energy
clean tech
climate change policy
energy investments
energy markets
financial resources
industry organizations
regulatory agencies

While the US natural gas resource base continues to grow exponentially, the problem continues to be what to do with all that gas year round. Unfortunately, the utility market is mainly a winter and summer seasonal peak period. That leaves the spring and fall as the "shoulder" period with less demand.